Eka Boutique – Playing with lime

Eka Boutique is an innovative designer's dream outlet situated in Delhi, designed by dustudio, Auroville with a theme of minimalism.

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Eka Boutique is an innovative designer’s dream outlet situated in Delhi, designed by dustudio, Auroville with a theme of minimalism, elegant but sustainable way to dignify reach tradition of lime which complement the aesthetic of boutique theme. Team has worked to retrofit/refurbish the existing old shop and finished with traditional lime plaster  technique called kodi marble. It was a challenge to complete the project in a short time as lime requires long setting time. Innovatively we used lime with GGBS (ground granulated blast furnace slag) to give quick strength to wall base plaster to receive final finish in a short curing time period.

©AINA, Bhuj Gujarat
Website Design: ArchiSHOTS