
AINA’s publications offer a diverse collection of resources focused on sustainable construction and disaster recovery. The manuals, guidelines, and reports aim to support and educate individuals and communities on multi-hazard reconstruction and eco-friendly building techniques, along with providing comprehensive guides for artisans.


Construction Guidelines Part-1 details out three options for the reconstruction of multi-hazard resistant houses.

Construction Guidelines Part-2 talks about bamboo walls with twin roof reconstruction of multi-hazard resistant houses.

Construction Guidelines Part-3 talks about brick walls with twin roof reconstruction of multi-hazard resistant houses.

Construction Guidelines Part-4 talks about brick walls with R.C.C. roof reconstruction of multi-hazard resistant houses.

Artisan Guidelines Part-1 details out the construction of foundation for multi-hazard resistant houses.

Bamboo Treatment Manual under Kosi Disaster Rehabilitation Scheme is based on the guidelines issued by Government of Gujarat.

How to make Foundation and Plinth: Manual-1 by ODR Collective is based on the guidelines issued by Government of Bihar under Kosi Disaster Rehabilitation Scheme.

How to make Walls and Roof for a Bamboo House: Manual 2 by ODR Collective is based on the guidelines issued by Government of Bihar under Kosi Disaster Rehabilitation Scheme.


The guidelines on the construction of houses using compressed stabilised earth technology helps in designing earthquake safe houses in various seismic zones of Gujarat.

The guideline covers the general principles and process of earthquake resistant design and construction in various materials.

The guideline covers three aspects of repair, restoration, and retrofitting as applicable to all types of masonry buildings for housing and communal activities.


The report on Re-construction of Multi-Hazard Resistant Houses Part-1 details out the technical guidelines for brick-based construction.

The report on Re-construction of Multi-Hazard Resistant Houses Part-2 details out the technical guidelines for bamboo-based construction.

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